Upcycled Gift Bags

Paper gift bags with collages


Do you save paper bags and yet find that you do not use them?

Here is a simple idea for making upcycled gift bags by transforming used paper shopping bags with a bit of imagination!


Selecting an appropriate paper bag is the first step to a successful transformation!  Find a bag that: is sturdy, has identifiable decorations printed only in its center, and is not damaged.


When deciding how to redecorate your bag, you can think of colors that match the gift or images that its recipient may like.  You might also want to incorporate a special theme, such a bag for a birthday or a Christmas present.


Use whatever thin and flexible craft materials you have at hand to dress up the bag.  Tissue paper, used wrapping paper, sequins, fabric, thin felt, yarn, ribbons… any combination of those materials will work really well.


Voilà! When you are done decorating, you will have a beautifully handcrafted gift bag.

Upcycling is all about converting old materials into new and attractive items and then reusing them over and over again.  Here are more upcycling ideas that I find inspiring.

Please feel free to share the images of your upcycled gift bags at Muumade’s Gallery.

Happy Upcycling!